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Kai tikiesi gerai, o būna dar geriau... Lietuvos-Ukrainos jaunimo mainai

2017-01-05 12:21:58

Šventės praėjo, bet įspūdžiai liko. Ir dar kokie!

Lietuvos-Ukrainos jaunimo mainų tarybos dalinai finansuotas projektas buvo įgyvendintas Mažeikiuose didžiųjų metų švenčių įkarštyje. 24 18-24 m. amžiaus dalyviai iš abiejų šalių susirinko į 6 d. projektą su tikslu ugdyti savo pilietinę savimonę, pagarbą istorijos atminčiai bei palaikyti ir gerinti Lietuvos ir Ukrainos jaunimo draugiškus santykius.

Partnerė organizacija iš Ukrainos "Poruch" ( - tai organizacija, įkurta 2011 m., kurios tikslas yra auginti naujos kartos lyderius per savanorystės skatinimą ir prisidėti prie pilietinės visuomenės Ukrainoje plėtros.

Vienas iš Ukrainos grupės dalyvių Andrij kasdien išsamiai ir šmaikščiai dalijosi savo mintimis ir įspūdžiais apie praėjusią dieną bei apibendrino įgyvendintas veiklas. Kviečiame susipažinti su jo dienoraščiu :)


Day 1

On the chilly humid day of December 26th, the Poruch delegation paid a visit to the seaside town of Palanga. Although Palanga is a small town on the periphery of the country, it has amazing natural assets in its repository. Pine forests stretching to the costline greets visitors with ionized air and breathtaking amenities. The costline is the imaginary borderline between forests and strong Baltic sea, which brings howling gales from high seas. So, the Lithuanian nature made grandiose impression on us. We were taking photos of us on the background of forests and the Baltic sea all day long. Shortly after, we wandered along the main street of the town, which ended up with the pier running roughly a hundred meters deep in the sea. As evening twilight came down, we were off to a decent place, a lively restaurant wedged somewhere inside woods. Besides, it is necessary to indicate our "advanced" knowledge in the field of geography: being occupied by hectic chatter and easy laugh, we got lost in the complex net of pathways running far and wide the woods. We tried to read the road signs, but luck didn't gave us a green light and we remained lost for a while longer. Ultimatelly, we made our way out of the woods and immediately take the course towards the restaurant. The Lithuanian cuisine was a lot like Ukrainian one, so our stomacks happily accepted delicious food withous any complaints and following lawsuits. Then, one of facilities located on the territory of the restaurant caught our attention and invoked memories of childhood . It was an adapted for adults carrousel, which allows for four joy-searchers to whirl at once. All of us took our turns and felt somewhat childlish. After becoming full to the throat and enriched with positive emotions, we got in our bus and headed for home. The day drew to a close.

Day 2

It was about time we made acquaintance with Lithuanian team. As the morning unveiled, we had a breakfast and then got round to making a pal with the team. Thier leader prepared a round of energizing games so that we did not have to encounter awkward situations like what-is-your-name-again. In spite of all efforts, I personaly have still been looking at Lithuanians' pullovers in search of their names inscribed on them before talking to them. It seems like the mother Nature granted me with advanced difficulty in remembering names. Anyways, the games brought a mountain of fun on thier wings and we all together enjoyed it a lot. After we warmed up, the training on leadership building followed. We were split in groups and worked on tasks such as construction of a tower of cards, jostling across the barricaded room blindfoled and guided only by the voice of our partner, and lowering a long thin stick with mere fingers in unison. There is no doubt that it made a big team out of us. So, we learned that a leader is a necessity in a team and well-directed team work definitely makes difference. Finally, in the evening we learned what the Lithuanian culture is. It looks a lot like ours: thier folklore seems homelike and thier national dance was quite easy for us to learn. However, by far the best aspect of thier presentation was the the advertisement movie of the Lithuanian mineral water. It was damn amazing and I really believe I may go up of all those minerals and apprehend the awesomeness of the entire Universe. I bet you will not drink that water if you are looking for pleasure, it just for raw minerals and may you be content with that. Finally, the party followed the presentation and it is actually going on at the very moment of writing this narrative. All in all, the second the came off satisfactorily. The third day is to take its turn. To be continued tomorrow...

Day 3

The trird day of our adventure to, around and yet not from Lithuania said hello and as usual greeted us with a light breakfast, the best way to replenish a still sleepy organism with nutrients and vitamins. I personally did not dare to skip milk and muesli, since they are used to being kind and friendly to my stomack. So, after the mealtime we did invigorating games to shake off sleepiness. It is necessary to remind of the Ukrainian evening our team was preparing for our Lithuanias. Prior to grasping for your wrist, my dear reader, and leading you to the epic third series of the "Adventure in Lithuania", I should make some augmentations to this story in order to make it well-distinguishable from the two previous ones. Guess what? I am going to add some names. There is no wonder it will make a hell of difference, won't it? So, let's start with Arcen, who cooked a large saucepan of Red Borscht, the Ukrainian national dish, for a lunch (it is a dinner in the British English). I promised him obeisance for bringing a tiny part of Ukraine here, but wasn't able to keep my promise because my both hands were occupied with some stuff, which moreover could have splashed should I had been clumsy. So, Arsen, your creation was tasty and nourishing and I am saying thousands of thanks on behalf of both teams. 
Now, we proceed gliding along the eventful route dubbed the Day 3. Mariia, the executive director and our team leader, was leading the course of events today. She presented team-building games for both teams and deduced lessons we were supposed to learn from them. In particular, we learned that each decision must be well-grounded and weighed, because even life may be at a stake. Besides, we figured out that communicative skills are true power. Being communicative means both being a productive component of a team and being a guide for your team on the minefield of challenges. Out of the games we had today, the most challenging was to take a photo of both 10 locals at a time and a policeman. We were wandering along the town for about an hour before came across a group of 9 people. It all seemed like bad luck, because we almost ran out of time but still needed just one more person to add to our collection of the local dwellers. Hopefully, Dyana talked a passer-by into joining in and thus the task was completed. I would also mention the other tasks, but they were rather a piece of cake, not including a photo of a policeman. We just found a security woman in the supermarket and sanctiated her as a policeman. Technicaly, her prime goal is security, so let her be partially a policewoman, okey? 

Finally, the Ukrainian evening took its turn. We all appeared in public wearing embroidered shirts (blouses for the girls). It was quite wonderful colouring. By the way, it is the most popular chothing among politicians during elective compaign, isn't it? They do impression, those sheep in wolve clothes. So, let's not slide into political swamp, becsuse it sucks and stinks like a hell, right? 
We started with the national anthem of Ukraine, then Maryna, who was assigned as a spokesperson, dubbed the OE's song "I will not give up without a fight" the second anthem of Ukraine. I may let myself be insolent to disagree with that allegation, because OE's singing really sucks (hey, I was asked to express my feelings and emotions, I am a boss here, so obey ;). Then our pretty girls Khrystyna and Nastja tried to teach us the Ukrainian national dance. It was quite a fast stuff and if you get it down to a fine art, you may offer an astounding dancing. Unfortunately, we did it in rather a chaotic way, but that was fine for the first time. 
All in all, we smoothly moved to the Ukrainian popular music adapted for dancing and then to old-good disco. Many thanks to Gabriele for her music playlist and the visual accompanying guide on the most appropriate dancing styles. We danced and squeezed all juice out of us. The day turned into night. 
To be continued...


Day 4

Once again, dear light breakfast, I owe you a debt of gratitude for calories to keep me nice and sound in the morning all the way to afternoon. Today is the last full day of our adventure in Lithuania, so I feel gloom and darkness creeping up on me. Luckly, I am able to postpone sniveling for some time, so here is the story of the last but one day, the forth day of our adventure in Lithuanian, still around, still of good cheer. The first thing we did after a breakfast was packing ourselves in the bus and set out to the Cold War Museum. I was actually blissfully unaware of our destination, so when I saw iron gates and several lines of wired strenghtened fences, the very first thought was like what-a-f, I am still too young to dedicate a piece of my irreversably melting lifespan to prision. But, as I mentioned in my previous stories, I am pretty a lucky guy, so here we are, in the Cold War Museum. It is hardly possible to convey my impression of such a complex net of underground settings, which branch off into levels and sectors of various desings and functions. We saw control rooms, generator compartment, storages of fuel and other matters needed for keeping equipped with nucleous warheads missile ready for launch. The most astounding was the chamber where a missile used to slumber, waiting for somebody on the top of the authority hierarchy to give an order and then somebody to push the button. There was just a lonely small military base lost in woods, with the four devestating creations of that-time science waiting for thier move. Being pointed at the sky, those buddies awaited to take out the life of millions. Fortunatelly, they were not given a go and now the components they were assambled of probably rest in piece in a no-go land for radioactive stuff.
After the museum, we paid a visit to a few lively amenities of the Lithuainian nature. It was really windy, so we did not linger for a long time. Finally, we arrived at the city of Telsiai, went sightseeing, wanderer along the shore of the lake and did some minor shopping (actually I left 50.62 euro there, but it could be more if not for Eimante's discount). The weather did not side with us, so we got back to the hotel to enjoy our last full day. We had been dancing like psychopathes until we were asked to die down because it was late night. We didn't dare to disobey the law and test the kindness and patience of our hosts, so we moved to the fifth floor and proceeded the nightmare of an obsessive-with-guidelines person: we literally raped the 5th rule of our guideline list (if some of you do not have a hunch about what the guidelines are, I may remind you that those were the rules we all agreed uppon at the first day in the camp): we roared with luaghter so hard that the were given a reproof. It did not work at the first time, so after another disdainful glance we crawled apart to our rooms. After some chatter, our semi-conscious mind gave up and we drifted away. The last full day is over and somewhere at the parking site of the airport a heavy flying machine is ready to take us home.

To be continued...


 The-last-but-not-the-least day... Still, it is the last.

Day 5

It is high time we drew conclusions. After breakfast we as usual did an energizing game under the guidance of Povilas. He is brilliant at this stuff indeed, and this time we even swept the floor with our bodies (surely, a maid would be thankful). Shortly after, it was a black box (not that black indeed) that went on the stage. It did not collect a lot of gossip notes and thus felt terribly sad and unhappy. If it had been a human, it would have hunched forward and walked away full of tears in its eyes. Fortunately, a box is just an artificial piece of merchandise and it probably once contained far worse goods than gossip notes, so it should have been content with the things it had already had inside at that moment. So, Klaudas handed out blanks, pens and fibre-tipped pens and whatever objects that can be used for handwriting. We noted down our gossips and that was not a surpruse when we discovered that a few of them demanded to give out a hissing sound like "shhhh" and call Vytenis out loud. For those who do not know, it was a code for launching a madhouse: for Klaudas to slap the buttocks of those who says shhhh, for Diana to do a horny dance for those who stand up, for Anita to fillip Ihor on the face, for Leo to stand on the knee and stoop the head like an knight, for Vlad to take off the clothes when someone roars with laugher (he was reluctant to do it in the dining room). I am expressing my admiration to Leo, he created a monstrous machine :). 
Finally, the last game was about sharing wishes, compliments and whatever a person wants to share with... by writing those wishes on the back, by a red-hot knife. Just kidding, baby ;). 
Each of us obtained a sheet of A4 and with the help of each other we got those sheets attached by a 200-millimetre poisoned nail shoved by merely a single large-hammer slug to our backs. It was just a duct tape, okey? Based on the compelling evidence supporting the claim that my handwriting is just an absolute genetically predetermined mess, I express my condolence to all of you guys, because you will have to crash your brain and rack it together again in order make out my illegible handwriting. Taking account of the fact that I slept a bit more than 3 hours last night, that terrible handwriting is about matters, which barely withstand formal logic. Hopefully, I did not put a sign beheath my comments and I switched tools for writing. 

The last lunch (it is a dinner in the British English) followed after packing of bags. At that point, I operated on my bag like on a minefield, because I had to press so that zippers go nice and sound, but bearing in mind the thought that there were four bottles of alchogol inside. As I am writing this last series of saga, I have not checked the bag out yet, so all I can do now is to hope that the manufacturer of that booze chose or made really tough bottles to withstand uninsightful people like me, who take a mountain of odds and ends but actually uses no more than 30% of deadweight and then run into troubles (quite expected) when the bag volume is a constant, but a few bottles, chocolate bars, cheese bits and some small jars of something make their way into the formula and compromise the equation. So, you press, zip up with force and hope that the baggage service of the airport will not add insult to injury. 

Saying good bye
It can not but be distressingly. There were some tears spilt, many hugs, shoulder taps and hand shaking. Our Lithuanians saw us off and we rode away.
And here I am, sitting on a collapsible chair bolted to the inner lining of the hallway of the carrige, heading for home to my sweet girlfriend and the only left support of my entire life, my father. It is just me and the memories of good times.

The end



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